Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Blog Post #4


Larry Page and Sergy Bryn

Larry Page and Segy Bryn met while studying computer engineering at Stanford University in the 1990s. Neither begun their journey with the intention of revolutionizing technology. Bryn had an interest in data mining and most of all thought the most interesting data to mine was web pages. Page's advisor recommended he begin downloading the web. He noticed that no one was working on what links pages on

the web to each other. He then began his dissertation because he wanted to do "something fun and perhaps practical at the same time". At this point the internet was just a field of graphs and what seemed to be an endless terrain of uncharted territory. Until Bryn and Page, the internet was a series of web pages that were inaccessible to the average person without utilizing sites they were already familiar with or were shared through friends. He then began reversing the links and tracking down what links to the Stanford homepage. The two then organized their information to rank those links in an order "you'd expect to see them". They took the information and rank them based on importance. 

As said earlier, the creators of Google never imagined the influence their creation would have on the World. When asked what their mission was, although it began as a PhD dissertation, it was "to make the world's information accessible and useful". With the introduction of Google the pair made this mission possible now offering answers, research, and anything else the mind could imagine with billions of documents seconds. 

The pair introduced "BackRub" in 1996 while still students at Stanford University. The site was named for its method of directing users through "backlink data". In August of 1998, Andy Bechtolsheim invested $100,000 and the new team renamed "BackRub" to Google Inc. The name Google came from the mathematical term, "googol", meaning one followed by 100 zeros. This represents the seemingly endless access to knowledge available. The company rapidly grew and became a household name, one in which much of the world cannot imagine what life was like before it!

                                        Revolutionizing the World as it was Known
Before Google, information sharing and research was a time consuming task, now with Google we are able to access endless information on any topic within seconds (or less). Google continues to make advancements in the tech world offering a array of products such as: "Maps", "Drive", "Docs/ Slides", "YouTube" and as many students post pandemic are familiar with "Classroom" and "Meet". These products are able to shrink the distance of thought and ideas through achieving the teams goal of making the world's information accessible. When asked where they see their prized idea going in future years (during a 2000) interview, the team stated their interest in how Artificial Intelligence will help advance Google. It is now used in many of their products including Maps and Translate but also overall in their sponsored search that helps bring consumers to sites that offer what they are looking for. 

    Google's Proud Parents

In 2019, Larry Page and Sergy Bryn left Alphabet, the company they formed to oversee Google (now valued at over a trillion dollars) and its products. The two are compared to proud parents that felt it was time for their "child" Google be left in new hands to continue advancing. The two left on the idea that they want to further explore all that technology can do for the world and to "solve other world problems". 

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