Monday, January 15, 2024

Blog Post #1

Keeping up to date with various sources of news is important to being an educated and well- rounded person! 
 These are my top 5 news sources:

The New York Times has become one of my favorite news outlets. The New York Times offers diverse levels of news reporting on various topics and article lengths. The Times shares articles varying from cookie to sports to world politics all in digestible and easy to understand language. The source is known for being more left leaning, although claims to be an independent. I personally enjoy their daily emails with fast updates that I read on my way to class. I particularly like that this sources shares information on global politics, national politics, as well as New York specific information which as a native New Yorker is important to me. 

Although away from home and no longer living on Staten Island, I enjoy following my local paper's digital version, Staten Island Live. SILive offers news on all aspects of life on Staten Island, New York varying from traffic concerns, news regarding high school sports, feel good stories about neighbors, and New York news through the lens of Staten Islanders. Following this sources allows me to feel more connected to home and up to date on information that is local. Many of the articles are written by locals who are not career writers which offers a different style of news. SILive also uniquely offers live streams of events their journalists attend which allows their audience to personally experience the news. 

3)  Fox News

Fox News is what I like to think of as "my parent's news source". There is a comfort in absorbing my news from Fox because it was is primarily on the television at home everyday which in some sense has created a relationship with the anchors. Fox News is widely known as the conservative news source, especially their live television programs in which the hosts offer their own personal opinion on the topics. This can be difficult to navigate especially how potent their bias is but I like to absorb what I think is important or interesting and then research on my own- especially with Supreme Court Cases. Rarely will I read their online site but I sometimes will watch the short videos the post on a specific topic. 

4) Last Week Tonight With John Oliver

As a political science student and an avid fan of stand up comedy, I enjoy receiving some of my news from HBO's Last week Tonight with John Oliver. John Oliver covers major news stories on his late night show, segments are archived on HBO's Youtube account (where I watch) with a mix of comedy. I enjoy the speed at which John Oliver speaks and his specific cadence, which he likely utilizes to emphasize the punch line of his jokes but helps me to focus on his topic. He also over simplifies the topics, to emphasizes the absurdity of modern politics and wold matters, but helps to understand complicated topics. I do understand that this news source is entertainment, but at the very least it gets me interested on topics that I later look into for more information to draw my own judgments. My favorite part of his segments is when he lists his sources to further push the absurdity of an idea but also because it shows the research that him and his writing team has done in order to be mostly accurate. 

5) Social Media

As I mentioned in my other news sources, my biggest struggle in engaging in news is getting interested. I utilize social media to be aware of topics and later research them separately by deep diving in different sources and primary sources when available. I like to be introduced to news in media. I also am interested in what my peers repost and how that differs across what platform they are using whether it be Facebook, Instagram, "X" (formerly Twitter) and even Snapchat.  TikTok has become a major news source for me because videos on average are 60 seconds therefore the "journalists" are forced to share fast facts. When utilizing social media as a news source it is vital to fact check and be aware of the often share of misinformation. 

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